Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Not Kidding In General, This is A Real Image of Linux

Alas, Linux now it comes in detergent, where's the Microsoft mouthwash ones when you need it. Now nothing can hold it back from exploding into the general population, even your Grandma will be able to use it. What's it gonna to be next?, they'll have a "Mac Oxi Stain Remover"? (see direct image below).

But what about Ajax!?

read more digg story

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Scroll Lock key Simulator Game

For those that don't the Scroll lock on their keyboards. Have you ever used the scroll lock key on your keyboard? Or do you know what is it for? Well find out, the Scroll Lock key dates back to the IBM keyboard era and were used for changing the function of the arrow keys. Trivia: I'd like to know, whats the only key on the keyboard with no label?

Yes, you guess it. It's the most worthless playable web game ever made. And it's hosted on, I agree with you, that's why I blogged about it.

play it | digg this